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the minutes before 2011

December 31, 2010

Its almost 2011. I'm trying to do some homework, school starts on Monday again. :(
Life is about to get busy again. I wander what 2011 will bring and what type of challenges it brings and how I'll overcome all of them. Life goes on, wish I can go back in time and see what it would be like to chance certain events.

Eternity would be nice wouldn't it?

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:46 PM


December 19, 2010

I took a pair of scissors. Grabbed my hair and cut it. I cut where ever it seem to be fit and trimmed away all the split ends. It didn't turn out disastrous but you can tell its self-trimmed. Oh well, the best thing is hair grows.

:) Sometimes I need to see the blunt side before realizing the beautiful.

Jamica ♥ ♥ 1:09 AM

the great war has begun again.

December 8, 2010

I certainly like to think of it as war anyways. My ever so lovely little while-you-were-sleeping suckers popped up again, it seems that they have followed me here. I caught one on Tuesday crawling on my bathroom door, my fears were confirmed, they are back. My mom is distraught because she does not want them back in our house. I have sprayed my room this morning, hopefully when I wake up, I will not find bites on me. The worst thing is the bites I receive are so mild I don't know if I even got bitten. They don't itch and disappear within 3 days so even if I was feeding a colony, they have to be a very large adult for me to actually know that I have a new infestation. Anyways, right now I am determined to win this war. I'll be cleaning this weekend and doing so heavy spray downs.

I had 3 unit exams this week. Monday I had Physics, Tuesday I had math and today I had Chem. I got 68% on my Physics final, go figure, even AFTER I studied I am just physics retarded. I got a 87% on my math unit which was okay and I don't know how well I did on Chem. But I ran out of time so I had to finish quickly, I don't know how well I did. :/

On Friday I have other Math quiz, things are so busy leading up to Winter break. On Saturday, my friends are going to build a gingerbread house. :D Why? Because we entered a contest. I hope its fun. Tomorrow I have volunteering at the library, I probably won't get much studying done. *sign*

Jamica ♥ ♥ 11:22 PM

Right to vote

December 4, 2010

So I'm 18 years old. Time flys.
Jamica ♥ ♥ 11:43 PM