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matter of math

April 28, 2010

Mood: Nervous
Music: Solo - Iyaz
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing
Browsing: Nothing
Suppose to: Study
Want to: be smart
Supper was: Potato and Pork

Tomorrow is my dreaded Midterm which I am so not perpared for it. I am gonna do good..., I hope I do good. I hope I can get above 85%! God, so scary. I don't know how prepared I am. I studied but I don't think I studied enough, I hope things turn out good for me. Ohh, I am doing so bad in math (T_T). My last mark was 65%, so I hope this time, a 85% can cancel that out. gee.

Tomorrow is also my biology contest, I am just gonna see how well I do and so I can skip class X3 It will fun I guess. Bio Quiz too. I hope I ace math!

Friday I might go over to Kelly's since she is inviting our Senior Friend over for dinner. I hope it will be fun, I swear I will cook :] I think cooking is kind of fun, especially when trying new things. Its a form of art, I hope if I ever get married the guy will eat anything I make because if he don't, I be mad. lol No one says no to me COOKING. Damn it. Even if it sucks... :P

My other Betta is still slowly recovering. -sign- Ich has stolen already 2 of my babies, I refuse to let it steal anymore! The one who was originally infected, name Napoleon seems have recovered. This stuff is hard to beat, it spreads so quickly!
Jamica ♥ ♥ 9:49 PM

cry to math

April 26, 2010

Time: 10:01PM
Music: Its Alright, Its OK - Ashley Tisdale
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing
Suppose to: Study
Browsing: Nothing
Wearing: Pink/grey sweater
Want to: Study

Today was absolutely FREEZING. I was freezing my bom boms off. Even though it was suppose to be 10 degrees, our school turned off the heater which freezed me to death. I am happy to say I have 81% on my Chem Final, my class average was 74% which means I got ok on it. There were lot of "trick" questions on the exam that many many people did not get.

The sad part is for math, I only got a 65% but considering I did not do the back side since I did not realize there was and I misread about 3 major questions. I completely screwed up my written response. I think I know my stuff, its just for some reason I screw up. urg. My math average probably is like a 70% by now, what do I do??

Anyways, Thusrday is the Midterm, I hope I get above 80% this time =/

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:01 PM

I wish you were

April 22, 2010

Mood: Sleep
Music: Hey Soul Sister - Train
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing
Browsing: Nothing
Wearing: white kitty moomoo
Suppose to: Sleeping
Want to: Sleep

Well, the good news is I finished all my exams. The bad news is for Math I did not realize there was a back page so I did not do it. So that probably costed me a lot. FML. I am flunking math right now, I have other chance to bring up grades next Thursday which is me Midterm. Best part is, its first thing in the morning when I am sleepy as fuck. Great.

Tomorrow, thank god is Friday. My goal is to buy bubble tea, buy school supplies, laudry, go to Walmart and finish my social WS and start my essay. For the weekend I want to study for math.

Sadly, my poor fish Mozart did not make it. I feel terrible for losing him. RIP. My other fish Sir Newton is also been inactive which scares me. I don't wanna lose anymore fish. I don't plan on getting new ones until I am sure my current ones are healthy. Napoleon's been fighting ich and I seem to have won so far, but I still plan to carry treatment till mid next week. Just in case.

Alright night!

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:51 PM


April 19, 2010

Mood: Tried
Music: Wiritten all over my face - Kris Allen
Wearing: Blue hoodie
Browsing: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Eating: Noting
Suppose to: Study
Want to: sleep

Didn't have dinner until 9:30PM, My mom was planning to make chicken but it nevered thawed. -sign- Now I feel all bloated and gross.

Tomorrow I have my math final and my biology final. I am really screwed for math? Yes, am I screwed for Bio? Probably. Lets hope for the best, I really hope I can score good this time. Lately, Unit Test for math has not been great. I think my mark is in the 70s, I need to bring it up to 80s and this my chance! I sure I can do it! Chem final on Thursday, and quiz on Wednesday. I have far to much work, its not even funny.

Mozart seems to be clinging on to every breathe, I fear he does not have many hours left with me. I still don't kno what has gotten to him and my other fish.

Well life goes on I guess.. I wish I could have done something. I really hate losing pets and things that I value.

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:40 PM

skipping across time

April 14, 2010

Mood: Sleepy
Music: What do you want from me
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing
Wearing: Grey Hoodie
Browsing: Youtube
Suppose to: study chem + math
Want to: Sleep

I realize that sometimes my bloggin should be addressed to myself. I might read this in a couple of years. Today I did my Biology Quiz on Cell, it felt pretty good but I don't like to expect 100%. I didn't really study so I am hoping I winged it ok. X3

The guy my mom met online turned out to be instead a scam. Somehow I had a gut feeling that great man just don't pop up. I think my mom knew in a way too but deep down she was hoping it was luck. Disppointing I suppose. Oh well, I am sure there always be will be more chances in the future. My relatives are disppointed too. There is always 10 scammers for every 1 guy seeking a relationship. For every 10 guys seeking a relationship, there is 1 good guy.

I think its better if she searched in real life other then rely on the internet. Just sayin'

I had a conversion with my aunt on the phone. Apparently they had a puppy for about a day. Boo. Too bad.

Tomorrow is Chem quiz, my chem marked dropped to 81.3% -pulls hair- I need a 87%!! I hope I do good on the quiz! Math quiz on Thursday.

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:22 PM

I fail. seriously.

April 12, 2010

Somehow I ended up doing no homework today despite having tones of time. It just slipped by. Math Quiz is on Friday and I have done NOTHING. wow. Slacker to the extreme!
Jamica ♥ ♥ 11:17 PM

just other sunday evening

April 11, 2010

Mood: Mellow
Music: Already Gone - Girlicious
Wearing: Grey teddybear t-shirt
Browsing: Nothing
Suppose to: doing math
Want to: Draw

Other Sunday, nothing much happened today. I updated my goldfish site with some new stuff then I went shopping with my mom. We bought toilet paper (which seems to be always low..) and some other stuff. I snagged two Twix for only 1.85! I love Cheap Chocolate. :D Back in the day, chocolate was like $1.49 EACH. Now its like two for a back, I love cheap! Haha but its not like we are any richer.

My fish are doing slighly better but I still see white spots all over him, he seems so exhausted and tried. =[ I am really rooting for him, I hope he pulls through with a full recovery. My now oldest betta, Mozart seems to be getting really old looking. Skinny and ragged, he is obvious of his prime. I been increasing his food intake lately in hopes he will add on some wait. I fear he may have parasites or something. I have had him for over 7 month now, I am rooting to be with him for 1.5+ years.

On the had, my newest betta seems to be doing good. He is joyfully building a bubblenest, its obvious he just reached his prime years. He is purdy boy with steel blue in the middle and orange fins. I hope to have him for a few years! :D

Tomorrow I have Chem Quiz, I did good on the mini quiz but I still want to review just in case. I hope I do awesome =] My chem mark probably dropped pretty hard. -sign- Why am I always playing catch up. I really want 85% above all my classes but its hard.

Jamica ♥ ♥ 9:23 PM

thing never go according to plan

April 10, 2010

Mood: Stressed
Music: Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underworld
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing
Wearing: Yellow
Browsing: Ulimatebettas
Suppose to: Biology Homework
Want to: pull my hair

I already lost my betta Danny to some sort of weird tumor disease. =[ Now just a couple days I lost my betta Frosty to a disease I could not identify on time to treat. Now my new Betta Napoleon is infected by Ick. He is so miserable.

The worse part is I don't know if I infected my other bettas. Mozart seems to be OK. My newest betta Squidward was infected, but I think after I dosed him, he seems to be better. However Napoelon is so still covered by the parasite. I don't know how he will hold up. I increased the medication. But I been reading all these bad reviews about it. I am nervous that he won't be ok. I really don't want to lose anymore fish.

When I first started keeping Bettas, Taffy lived 10 month with me, WITHOUT any problems. Now after less then 8 month, I lost 2 bettas already. This is not typical of me. I was so sure, I am good at fish keeping, shouldn't have that so soon. -sign-

Trying to do some Biology but I am so stressed over my pets; I hate it when I cannot take care of something properly. It drives me crazy.

Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:53 PM

sick to the heart

April 8, 2010

I read a report of a 13 year old girl who was married of to a guy in his late 20s and after he "molested" her, she died from internal bleeding. Child Bride is not culture, its an excuse for disgusting men that want to rape little girls. I pray that these men will all have their penis cut off and fed to sharks. Fuck them.

Humanity seems to sicken me every time, if you think about it, if God existed, he is very very forgiving indeed. If the devil existed, I am so suprised he has not swallowed up earth straight to hell or maybe we are on our way.

Nothing sickens me more then the abuse of children. Children are defenseless, they are nothing more then innocent lamb caught among a pack of wolves. They do what adults please and they carry on what adults believe is right. Only children possess unconditional love. With age and time, we lose so many of these abilities. In the eyes of an child, the world is beautiful, the world is great no matter how cruel it is. Mother is god, father is king and everyone is your friend. I don't understand why we must grow up.

-sign- Two quizes tomorrow, I hope I score above 86%.
Jamica ♥ ♥ 11:05 PM

running towards summer?

April 6, 2010

Mood: Sleepy-ish
Music: Queen Bee - Maki Goto ft. Sweet Black
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing Much
Browsing: Youtube
Suppose to: Be sleeping
Wearing: White hoodie
Want to: Sleepin'

Other day went by. This is the end of spring break, I spent 99% of it doing nothin other then slurpin bubble tea, watching movies of CSI, attempting to setup Tomb Raider Underworld, playing my PSP, window shoppin and most of all SLEEPING. The other 1% I did a bit of math, but that was no until the last 2 days. Yeah.

How do I feel? Like I wasted other good break when I do myself to make something of it. Oh well; at least I think I am ready to take on school again? I could use some upgrading with my marks. =/

Today I was particularing annoyed and pissy, one newest betta fish has sliced its tail in HALF on a piece of decoration. So now I have to watch him to make sure it does not get infected. My other yellow betta that I had for almost 8 month seems to have come down with SOMETHING. Again, no real signs but I have a gut feeling I need to buy meds on Friday. -sign-

I tried installingg Tomb Raider but I failed. After 2 days; everything worked out, other then the fact that my computer cannot possibly run it. HM. GREAT. There goes other 12 wasted hours. >_<

Tomorrow I have my social studies quiz which I did not study for. Please be less then 5 questions. T_T
Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:23 PM

my wasted youth

April 5, 2010

Jamica ♥ ♥ 11:45 PM

tears tears tears

April 4, 2010

I wish I had done more during my break. It just sort of mellowed by. I am still doing math + trying to install Tomb Raider Underworld. I downloaded but who knows if it will even work. >_> I hope I won't screw up my computer!

-headdesk- School starts on Monday.
Jamica ♥ ♥ 10:58 PM